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Bolor dictionary

Bolor - English Mongolian dictionary
Total entry: 447 683, Today 269972468 requests


Frequently asked questions

  1. How can I report errors?
    You can use our forum Wrong Entry in Bolor? to discuss dubious entries in the BOLOR dictionary. Please report simple mistakes such as typos or misspelled words by using Report mistakes.
  2. Will Bolor-toli offer other dictionaries?
    Yes! We planned to add at first Mongolian<->German and Mongolian<->Russian Dictionaries. But we can not promise any fixed schedule. It highly depends on our financial situation.
  3. What does this image mean?
    If you place your mouse pointer over this image then will be appeared the message "Please click on it, if this result meets your requirements!". It is an action to improve the quality of the sorting. In the future, we sort by the weight, which defined by users clicks. Multiple selections are allowed.
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English Mongolian Dictionary

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